Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer

Create a Personal Performance Team

Athletes, even those in individual sports, all need a supportive performance team to help them achieve their goals. Having a personal performance team ensures that all of the athletes' needs are met and is beneficial not just for professional athletes, but also youth and amateur athletes. If you have goals, make sure you have a personal performance team helping you achieve them. You want to have people that address the four main areas of being an athlete: body, skills, mind, and soul.

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10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #3

The third Essential is learning to Communicate with Others. Whether you are in a team sport or an individual sport, having the ability to effectively communicate with those around you is critical. You need to know what you want to say and put it out in the world in a way that others understand exactly what you mean. This can be incredibly hard, which is why some of the biggest mistakes in sport come from miscommunication. Check out these two key components of communication and see where you need to spend more time developing your skills within this Essential.

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