10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #3

The third Essential is learning to Communicate with Others. Whether you are in a team sport or an individual sport, having the ability to effectively communicate with those around you is critical. You need to know what you want to say and put it out in the world in a way that others understand exactly what you mean. This can be incredibly hard, which is why some of the biggest mistakes in sport come from miscommunication. Check out these two key components of communication and see where you need to spend more time developing your skills within this Essential.

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Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Dysgraphia

Problems with writing can be the result of a myriad of different things. Children have to be capable developmentally, physically, and mentally. A student must learn how to hold a pencil and develop the fine motor skills to write fluidly. They must also understand how to form each individual letter before learning to connect those letters to make words and finally stringing words together to make sentences. After all of that, students must also master the grammar rules necessary to clearly communicate their thoughts in writing. As you can see, there are many areas that could prove challenging on a child’s journey of learning to write.

In this blog, we will dive into understanding dysgraphia, a unique difficulty with writing that impairs children’s ability to express themselves clearly through the written word.

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Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer

A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Language Disorder

Our ability to effectively communicate is critical to our success in the world. For some, having a Language Disorder interrupts that ability and creates many challenges that must be addressed, managed, and overcome. Learn the signs of a Language Disorder and how to ensure it won’t stop you or your child from achieving greatness.

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