Harnessing the Power of Doubt


Most athletes (and coaches!) view doubt as being your worst enemy. Something to be avoided at all costs. I get it. Doubt can paralyze you, causing you to question your abilities and second-guess your every decision.

What if I told you there was another way? Doubt can actually be a valuable tool in your arsenal. When used effectively, doubt can be harnessed to build your confidence and lead you to be your best. It lets you check in with yourself and make sure you're prepared for the challenge ahead.

Having doubt is NOT the same as a lack of confidence. In reality, it's a sign of strength and self-awareness. Stop pushing it away and embrace it as a tool that can help you improve. When you feel doubt creeping in, take a moment to pause. You want to use doubt as a check engine light to make sure you've done what you need to do to be ready for the moment.

Create a self-doubt checklist. This checklist should consist of 2-3 simple yes/no questions that allow you to check in on the most important things for YOU to be ready for the challenge ahead. For example, "Did I train for this?" Do I have a plan of attack?" Am I overmatched?" For some questions, the "correct" answer is yes, while for others it's no. The purpose of the questions is two-fold:

  1. Determine if the doubt is telling you that you need to do something more or different to take on the challenge ahead

  2. Let you know that you can let the doubt float by because you ARE ready to take on the challenge ahead

If the answers to your self-doubt checklist led you to the first option above, you can work to address those concerns. If there isn't enough time for that (you are moments form the race and you believe you are under-hydrated), then change your definition of success to take into account that you are NOT at your absolute best. Always work to focus on what you can control.

If the answers to your self-doubt checklist led you to realize that you are ready, be sure to finish the checklist with an anchor phrase. This is a short phrase that boosts your confidence or focuses your attention on a specific important component for you to manage the upcoming challenge. Examples: I got this. Smooth and fast. Trust my training. I am ready.

Doubt is NOT a bad thing. It's a natural part of the process and something that everyone experiences. Stop beating yourself up for feeling doubt and instead use the self-doubt checklist to harness the POWER of doubt. Check your engine and then go out there and perform!

Want help harnessing your doubt? Want to develop and maintain your confidence? Connect with us today!


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Building and Maintaining Confidence