All I Do Is W.I.N.

Youth soccer players raising up a trophy

I haven’t met a single athlete who isn’t focused on winning every time they step into the arena. Winning is an important part of sport. It’s always a main point whenever you debate who is the GOAT. The joy of coming out on top is what keeps bringing us back.

W.I.N. however is an acronym that you can use to improve your performance. Even better, you can use it in 2 ways!

First way: in the moment in training and competition

For this version, W.I.N. stands for “What’s Important Now?” During the intense moments, in the heat of the battle, and throughout training, W.I.N. reminds you to focus on the one thing you need to do in the moment. The more specific and controllable you make your answer, the better!

Saying “be better” isn’t near as effective as “give full effort.” Every athlete wants to do better but if asked what that looks like or how you know you are doing better, it becomes very difficult to explain. Instead, “give full effort” is you being better by focusing on your intensity and actions as you sprint faster and commit more to your decisions. By focusing on things within your control (your effort, specific actions, your focus, your decisions, etc.), you will be able to DO something that puts yourself in the best position to get whatever outcome you desire. This means changing “score now” to “drive to the basket.”

Second way: post-training and post-competition analysis

After the heat of battle, it’s important to reflect on your performance. W.I.N. in this version provides you with a framework to analyze your performance.

W - What went well?

I - What needs improvement?

N - What’s the one thing I’m going to focus on next?

You always want to start with your accomplishments. What went well in your performance or training? This may be big things, like a PR, or it may be smaller things, like encouraging a teammate or trying out a new move. Think about what you did well physically, technically, mentally, and emotionally. List out as many as you can think of before moving to the next step.

Next, look back at what areas you want to improve. Try to get specific. Is there something you want to improve physically, technically, strategically, mentally, or emotionally? Keep your areas of improvement focused only on your performance from that training session or competition.

Finally, what are you going to focus on next? Review your areas of improvement and choose one thing that you want to intentionally improve in your next training session. Yes, I know you want to get better at everything (and you will!) but by choosing one most important thing right now, you will help yourself make great strides in your next performance. both during and after training and competition will most certainly lead to more winning overall. Get out there and W.I.N.!

Want a custom mental skills training program? Let us help you W.I.N. Connect with us today!




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