Mental Mobility Blog
The 10 Essentials: Essential #1
The first Essential is learning to Distinguish between Controllables and Uncontrollables. This is the foundation of all teachings with Athlete’s Academy. You must know what aspects of yourself and your sport are controllable and uncontrollable. Being clear on this difference enables you to put your time, energy, and focus on those aspects that can actually have an impact. Your energy is valuable. Be sure it’s not wasted on something that you have no control over.
The Myth of Fearlessness
Be fearless. Suck it up. No pain, no gain. Just do it.
It’s always presented as the gold standard, the thing that you are supposed to aim for and become. The best of the best athletes are fearless. They can enter into a competition and stare it down.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. The importance of being fearless is a LIE. Fearlessness occurs only when you have zero things to fear. And any time you enter into the competition area, you run the risk of losing. The fact that there is a risk means that fear will also exist. There is uncertainty in sport which turns into doubt and fear. You can’t be certain that you will get a hit, make that field goal, or win the game. It’s this uncertainty and the chance to have success in the face of the risk, that makes us love sports.
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding ADHD
A beginner’s guide to understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention is the ability to focus our mental energy towards a specific stimulus while ignoring other environmental aspects that are not pertinent. Being in control of this focus allows you to be successful academically, professionally, and socially. So what do you do when it’s not so easy for you or your child to pay attention? Learn all about the three types of ADHD (predominantly hyper-active/impulsive, predominantly inattentive, and combined), how they appear, what challenges individuals may face, and how to overcome them to be successful in any venture.
Quieting the Mental Chatter
Sports have traditions. Chatter from the other team and from fans is one of them. But the reality is that this “chatter” that happens outside of the athlete rarely has much impact on their performance. Instead, it is the internal chatter, the thoughts that swirl around in an athlete’s head that lead to their downfall.
The internal chatter is one of the most common battles that I help athletes face. While the opposing team may have stopped all of the noise, that noise never ceases within the athlete’s mind. This internal chatter is a nuisance. It’s distracting, unhelpful, and takes up WAY too much room in your mind. Ready to break free and make that internal chatter fade away?
A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Dyscalculia
Mathematics is a complicated and layered academic area that requires a child to grasp the basics before applying them to concepts and then build upon those concepts as they progress through school. Not only must a child build on the concepts, but there is an assumption that speed and efficiency are a direct result of one’s understanding of those fundamentals. Mathematics also requires strong spatial and reasoning skills. As a result, a child who struggles in math, may also have difficulty in other areas of life that require spatial awareness or reasoning. Examples include: understanding maps or directions; estimating distance, height, or weight; managing time or money; and using logic to solve problems.
In this blog, we will dive into understanding dyscalculia, a challenge in understanding numbers and mathematical constructs. This impairs children’s ability to apply even basic math concepts, impacting not only their academic success, but various general life skills.
Mental Toughness vs. Mental Mobility
Mental toughness is focused on outcomes. It’s about doing more of what you’ve already been doing, even though it didn’t work the first or second or third times. It’s outdated. Instead, aim for Mental Mobility. Mental Mobility focuses on developing the strength and flexibility so that you have options to overcome any obstacle that you face.