The 10 Essentials: Essential #9

Growth mindset descriptors in green on left and fixed mindset descriptors in red on right

The ninth Essential is learning to Maintain a Growth Mindset. A growth mindset is one of two mindsets coined by Dr. Carol Dweck (the other is a fixed mindset). These mindsets describe ways that people view the qualities that we possess, the failures that we experience, and the role of effort.

In a fixed mindset, you believe qualities are things you are born with and fall into an “either/or” category. For example, a person is either athletic or uncoordinated; either smart or dumb; either talented or untalented. In this fixed mindset, failure and effort indicate a lack of ability and therefore a lack of that specific quality. In other words, having to try hard or failing at your sport means that you are NOT talented or athletic. While we all fall into this mindset every now and then, the goal is to spend more time within the GROWTH mindset.

In a growth mindset, qualities are developed over time and with effort. You have a starting point, but it’s the amount of work you put in to get better each day that helps you become smarter, more talented, and more athletic. With the growth mindset, failures are seen as an opportunity to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses so that you can get better. The more you can spend in this growth mindset, the more you seek out opportunities that stretch you to reach a new level, even if they include failure.

One simple, but effective way to help you spend more time in this growth mindset is to add in a three-letter word: YET. Every time you think or say that you can’t do something, add in YET.

I can’t make that shot…yet.

I can’t run that fast…yet.

I can’t lift that weight…yet.

This gives you room to have hope that you will eventually get there with enough time and effort. For an even bigger impact, combine this strategy of adding yet with listing out one thing you can do now that you weren’t able to do a month ago or last season. This shows you the progress you have already made and reminds you that you can make more progress to get to those can’ts you are facing right now.

Interested in learning more about growth mindset? Check out Dr. Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.


The 10 Essentials: Essential #10


The 10 Essentials: Essential #8