Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer


If you’ve been around sports for any length of time, it’s likely that you’ve come across this acronym - KISS. Though the exact wording may differ depending on who you hear it from, the principle behind it is the same: Keep It Simple. This concept is easy to understand, but much harder to actually execute.

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Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer

Sport Psychology Math

While not all athletes like math, there is often a lot of mathematical analysis (aka STATS) that surround sport. Every sport has at least some component of statistics, even if it is simply a win percentage. This led me to create my own sport psychology math equations.

Progress > Perfection. Process > Outcome. Recovery > Failure.

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10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #2

The second Essential is learning to Set Goals. Goals tell you where you want to go. They put words to dreams or ideas and solidify the path required to get there. Goals also let others know what you want out of life so they can determine how to help you achieve those goals. Some goals are individual, others are identified with a team. When it comes to setting goals, there are many components that go into being an effective goal setter. Today, we are going to dive into two of them.

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