10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #8

The eighth Essential is learning to Maintain Confidence. By far, this is one of the most common challenges that athletes mention when I work with them. There is this belief that confidence is necessary for athletes to achieve all that they are capable of in their sport. While I’m not convinced that it is necessary, having confidence certainly makes it easier for athletes to accomplish their goals and achieve high levels of success. When the doubt starts to creep in, all you need is one simple shift to create big results.

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10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #4

The fourth Essential is learning to Control Mental Talk. What you say to yourself matters. Your internal dialogue can absolutely make or break your athletic performance. In fact, it has more impact on your performance in a single competition moment than anything else.

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