Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Dyslexia

Does your child…

  • Have difficulty reading books on grade level?

  • Rely on pictures to understand the story?

  • Perform inconsistently when reading common sight words?

  • Struggle with remembering and applying spelling rules?

  • Refuse or get frustrated when required to read for homework?

  • Guess at words when reading?

  • Have difficulty recognizing a word even when it was provided within the same sentence?

  • Read extremely slowly?

  • Struggle to connect letters to their appropriate sounds?

  • Show improved comprehension when stories are read to them?

If you said yes to any of these, your child may be one of the 5-10% of the population that have a learning disability known as dyslexia. Let’s learn more about dyslexia, identify the characteristics you may notice in your child, debunk common myths, discuss approaches to help your child succeed academically, and explore the benefits of having a dyslexic mind.

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Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer Education/Learning Disorders Lindsey Schriefer

A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Language Disorder

Our ability to effectively communicate is critical to our success in the world. For some, having a Language Disorder interrupts that ability and creates many challenges that must be addressed, managed, and overcome. Learn the signs of a Language Disorder and how to ensure it won’t stop you or your child from achieving greatness.

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