Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer

Building and Maintaining Confidence

Confidence is a critical success factor in athletics. However, it is not a one-time achievement. Confidence must be fueled so that it is ready whenever you face challenges and pressure situations. Develop your confidence initially by focusing on what you CAN control to put yourself in the best position to achieve your desired outcome. Be sure to maintain your confidence by using the four strategies: positive self-talk, seeking compliments and encouragement from a vital few, drawing on past successes and experiences, and acknowledging your progress and achievements. Train your confidence just like you train your strength and endurance so that it's ready when you need it.

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Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer Mental Mobility Training Lindsey Schriefer

Getting In Shape in the New Year

It’s time to say goodbye to 2022 and hello to 2023. This time of year, most people take a few minutes to pause and reflect on what they’ve accomplished this year. Then, they create a resolution for the upcoming year. Without a doubt, one of the most common resolutions is related to getting in shape. You make sure that you are physically in shape, but what are you doing to ensure that you are in shape mentally?

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10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer 10 Essentials Lindsey Schriefer

The 10 Essentials: Essential #2

The second Essential is learning to Set Goals. Goals tell you where you want to go. They put words to dreams or ideas and solidify the path required to get there. Goals also let others know what you want out of life so they can determine how to help you achieve those goals. Some goals are individual, others are identified with a team. When it comes to setting goals, there are many components that go into being an effective goal setter. Today, we are going to dive into two of them.

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